DENTOZON mobileO3 - patented versatile applicable and highly effective healing technology for humans and animals
- acting within seconds - bactericidal - virucidal - fungicidal
(external use only).
DENTOZON for Dentists is a new developed equipment for intensive prophylaxis and treatment of periodontosis and caries. By DENTOZON the entire row of teeth of either upper or lower jaw can be treated – in one pass of only 10 minutes or more. There is a special silicone- applicator and mask available.
The patient must not be any longer be afraid of pain at the dentist. When treatment starts early enough it is likely you'll never have problems with your teeth again and caries and periodontosis can be cured. But an initial substance saving treatment of teeth should be carried out.
Further herpes, inflammations, sepsis etc. and bad breath problems being cured by DENTOZON as well.
for Medical-or Non-Medical Practitioners, Veterinarians etc.
- ozone gaz can be used on the whole body for healing wounds of all kind, skin problems etc. – in general curing all bacterial and viral diseases.
Attention: External use only - Ozone must not enter the lungs!
DENTOZON - for Private Use!
DENTOZON - for Private Use!